
Four-Way Race for Next LA Korean American Federation President

2024-09-17 (화) Hyungseok Han
크게 작게

▶ Young Kim, Robert Ahn, and Others Mentioned as Candidates

▶ Steve Kang and Emil Mack Also Considered Strong Contenders

Four-Way Race for Next LA Korean American Federation President
As the term of current LA Korean American Federation (LAKF) President James Ahn ends on December 31, the Korean American community is showing increased interest in potential candidates for the next LAKF president. Several prominent Korean figures are being mentioned, either by themselves or by others, as potential candidates.

The key candidates being discussed are Young Kim, Chairman of the LAKF Board of Directors, Steve Kang, Senior Vice President of the LAKF, Emil Mack, Senior Vice President of the LAKF, and Robert Ahn, a member of the LAKF Board of Directors. All of them have been actively involved in the organization, and many within the LAKF have encouraged them to run for the presidency.

However, none of these individuals have officially declared their candidacy, and there is still a possibility that new candidates could emerge.

Young Kim is the CEO of Iris USA, a clothing company, and the owner of the Koreatown Plaza, a major shopping center in Koreatown. He has also served as the president of the Korean Apparel Manufacturers Association (KAMA) during its 30th and 31st terms.

Steve Kang is a Central Area City Planning Commissioner for the City of Los Angeles, as well as the External Relations Director of the Korean Youth and Community Center (KYCC). He has also served as the Executive Director of the Korean American Democratic Committee and as a Senior Policy Advisor to Assemblymember for the 54th District.

Emil Mack is a retired Deputy Chief of the LA Fire Department, where he worked for 24 years and became the highest-ranking Korean American in the department. He also ran for LA City Council in District 13 and is currently involved with child-related foundations such as the Mixed Roots Foundation and the BD Maesun Foundation.

Robert Ahn, a real estate attorney, has served as a Commissioner for LA’s Redistricting Commission, the City Planning Commission, and the Cannabis Regulation Commission. He also ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in California’s 34th Congressional District.

There are some who speculate about the possibility of current President James Ahn running for a third term, but this is not possible. According to the LAKF’s bylaws, the term of office for the president is two years, and the current president may only be re-elected for one additional term. Having been elected in 2020 and successfully re-elected in 2022, President Ahn’s term will end on December 31, 2024.

The next election is expected to take place in early December. The Election Committee must be formed 45 days before the election, meaning the LAKF will likely enter election mode starting in October.

Steve Kang, who is currently visiting Korea, commented in a phone interview with The Korea Times on the 16th that while he has received many recommendations to run, he has not yet made a decision regarding his candidacy.

Meanwhile, the LAKF has received praise for its increased influence and activities in various areas, including public services, social contributions, networking with government and non-Korean communities, and securing government grants. As a result, there is growing anticipation within the Korean American community regarding the role of the next LAKF president.

<Hyungseok Han>

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