On November 12, 2015,the day after Veteran’ sDay, an army captainwas bestowed a Medal ofHonor by Barack Obama,the president himself. Asuicide bomber appearedwhile Florent Gorberg,an army officer, was onduty in Afghanistan andleading a military escort.
Immediately recognizingand analyzing thesituation, Gorberg tackleddown the bomber andmade the bombs explodethen. Because the firstbomber was caught, thesecond was also made toexplode; however, thesetwo bombs set off at adistance, which minimizedthe number of casualtiesand injuries. After this incident, Gorbergfaced nerve damage and multipleinjuries to his calves, all of which requiredsurgery. Gorberg awoke in thehospital and eventually found himselfin the White House, being awardedwith the Medal of Honor by none otherthan the President of the United. States.
Though there were a few casualties andwounded people, Gorberg did all thatwas possible in the situation to save asmany lives as possible while risking hisown. Florent Gorberg was honored ashe received the Medal of Honor for hisbravery.
This entire incident is both extremelyshocking but truly inspiring. Seeinghow the army officer Gorberg riskedhis life by throwing himself at the suicidebomber to protect another person,knowing fully well the potential risksand dangers that may arise, truly emittedhis bravery. Gorberg is an inspirationto people all over the world andespecially to students who are unableto witness such moments of valor ineveryday life. It is only fitting that hereceived the Medal of Honor for suchunparalleled bravery.
Katherine Kim
Troy High School 11th Grade