ISIS, otherwise known as the IslamicState of Iraq and Syria, is a religiousgroup that has been attacking various countries ever since it was created in 1999. It was first created by Abu Musab al-Zaraqawi in order to attack Shia Muslims.
In 2004, after receivingfunding from Osama bin Laden, it swore allegiance to Iraq and changed its name to AQI, otherwise known as Al Qadea in Iraq. AQI used methods such as suicide bombers, vehicle-borne improvised explosives, and beheading hostages in order to pressure foreign companies and countriesto leave Iraq and stop U.S. support in Iraq.
However, unlike AQI, which focused on training soldiers to gain more power globally, Zaraqawi wanted to solely focus on eliminating Sunnis in Iraq. This eventuallyled to a conflict between the two sides, which prompted Al Qadea to leave AQI. After Zaraqawi’s death, Abu Bakar Al Bagdadi became the head of ISIS.
Due to the internal war in Syria, the unstablegovernment in Iraq, and Osama bin Laden’s death, Al Qadea was in trouble. AQI took advantage of this situation and created bases of operations in Syria, adding both Syria and Iraq to its organization. In 2013, AQI was renamed as ISIS and since then, it has been on the rise.
It has captured various territories in both Syria and Iraq. In Iraq, the group has gone as far as capturing major cities like Tikrit and Mosul, and has also gained control over vital resources like oil refineries.
The group is currently called the Islamic State and has titled Baghdadi the “leader for Muslims everywhere.” With its dangerous intentions, ISIS continues to exerciseits power throughout the Middle East, adding fuel to the various unstable events that have overtaken the region.
Jessica Park Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, 12th Grade
Jessica Park>