New Lives May Begin Anywhere!
2014-09-29 (월)
▶ Katherine Kim / Troy High School 10th Grade
On September 20, 2014, a baby girl was born in an unusual place. Babies are typically born in hospitals, but little Savannah Vilchez was born on the side of a highway. The baby’s father, Bolivar Vilchez, was a Marine Corps veteran and was absolutely frantic when he was racing to the hospital with his pregnant wife by his side. Even though the baby wasn’t due until 6 days after, the parents had a feeling the baby would come out early. Sure enough, in the car, the mother’s water broke and the baby could not wait any longer. Sandra Vilchez claims that “her head popped out” as they continued to drive. Mr. Vilchez pulled to the side of the freeway and dashed to his wife’s side to help her through the birth of their daughter. He first called the fire emergency dispatcher and in a few moments, their daughter was in his arms. The firefighters eventually arrived at the freeway and assisted in cutting the umbilical cord. Their baby, Savannah was 11 pounds and 6 ounces and arrived at 4:21 A.M. Apparently, the Orange County Fire Authority Captain Shane Sherwood claimed that births on freeways weren’t too rare and that in fact it has happened numerous times previously.
This incident is surprising and incredible. How often do babies come out of their mother’s wombs in the early morning on the side of a freeway? Knowing that firefighters are trained to assist in a birth is reassuring because it displays firefighters’ ability to be truly ready for any emergency! The baby’s parents remained calm in the crazy situation and in the end were able to ensure the safety of the newest addition to their family. Although it is obviously still safer for a baby to be born in a medical hospital with trained professionals guiding the mother, being born on a freeway, if handled carefully, is just as miraculous. It is truly a wonder how efficiently Savannah’s parents handled their situation. With the support of firefighters, a Marine father, and a determined and strong mother, Savannah Vilchez was able to safely enter the world and breathe new life with the warm embrace of a loving family.